Accredited Courses Offered in Benin Republic Universities

List of All Accredited Courses Offered in Benin Republic Universities 2024

The esteemed institutions of higher education in Cotonou, République du Bénin, offer a diverse array of programs, including disciplines in science, management, social sciences, engineering, health sciences, and arts.

It is worth noting that medical programs are available through partnerships with universities in foreign countries, such as Cameroon, and Liberia.”

We have compiled a comprehensive list of all the accredited courses offered by universities in the Benin Republic. From undergraduate to postgraduate programs, this list includes a wide range of disciplines and specializations that cater to diverse career aspirations.

Whether you’re looking to study in the field of science, engineering, business, or the arts, you’re sure to find a program that aligns with your interests and goals.

So, if you’re considering furthering your education or making a career change, read on to discover the many courses available to you in the Benin Republic’s higher education system.”

  1. L'informatique
  2. Gestion et technologie de l'information
  3. Génie logiciel
  4. Droit
  5. Relations internationales et diplomatie
  6. French Language Communication
  7. Commercialisation
  8. Communication de masse
  9. Comptabilité
  10. Journalism and Media Studies
  11. Public Relations & Advertising
  12. Sociologie
  13. Science politique
  14. Architecture
  15. Économie
  16. Ingénierie informatique 
  17. Génie pétrochimique
  18. Administration publique
  19. Administration des affaires
  20. Industrial Relations & Peronnel
  21. Biotechnology
  22. Agricultural Economics & Extension
  23. Geology
  24. Allaitement
  25. Pharmacie
  26. Medical Laboratory Science 
  27. Microbiologie
  28. Analyse en laboratoire biomédical
  29. Science agricole 
  30. Gestion des ressources humaines
  31. Health and Social Care Management
  32. Health Information Management
  33. Transport and logistics Management
  34. Bancaire et financier 
  35. Gestion de projet 
  36. Santé publique
  37. Anglais et études littéraires
  38. Arts du théâtre
  39. French Language Communication
  40. Études antiterroristes
  41. Intelligence and Security studies
  42. Résolution de conflits et arbitrage
  43. Biochimie
  44. Technologie de transformation des aliments
  45. Cybercrime and Information Security
  46. Criminology, Policing, and Investigation
  47. Disaster Management and Humanitarian Studies
  48. Homeland Security and Law Enforcement
  49. Aviation and Maritime Security
  50. Sciences de l'environnement
  51. Hospitality and Tourism Management
  52. Linguistique
  53. Gestion immobilière
  54. Urban and Regional planning
  55. Environmental Science
  56. Mathématiques appliquées

Did you find your desired course on the list? Go ahead and apply below. Admission is on now for the 2023 Academic session. Have any questions? Feel free to contact us by clicking on the WhatsApp I con on the bottom right-hand corner of your screen.

We hope that the list provided in this article has helped you to identify potential courses of study and has given you a better understanding of the options available to you. Find out more about how to apply and the admission requirements to study in Benin Republic

We encourage you to research and explore the universities and programs that interest you further and to make an informed decision about your education and career goals. With the right course and university, you can set yourself on the path to success.”

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2 Commentaires

  1. Hi
    I’M glad to ask you through this medium.
    Is this University affiliated to National University Commission of Nigeria (NUC)?

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